Browse a selection of our
completed projects
We have completed many projects
over the last 25 years
Crop production
Buffel grass dieback
Pollination in protected cropping
Managing water for yield & profit
Improving yield of quality seedless watermelons
Improving the sugar content and quality of rockmelons
Improving the uniformity of broccoli for efficient mechanical harvest
Improving sustainability through no-till permanent bed vegetable production systems
Integrating soil health practices into a commercial vegetable farming operation
Controlling transplant shock increases lettuce yields
Development of a crop scheduling model for cos and iceberg lettuce in Australia
Controlling multiple heading and transplant shock in lettuce
Crop scheduling for babyleaf spinach grown in Australia
An investigation of low cost protective cropping
Anhydrous ammonia for vegetable crops: Could it be a viable proposition?
Strip tillage & cover crops
Managing the flesh browning disorder of Cripps Pink apples
How sunburn affects the quality of pomegranate fruit
Identifying and sharing postharvest best practice on-farm and online
Preserving peak freshness of broccoli to increase sales
Nutrient content and portion size of avocados
Developing a nutrient and/or health claim label for packaged babyleaf spinach and rocket
Improved postharvest management of chestnuts
Pre-harvest effects on shelf-life and freshness of vegetables
Postharvest management of vegetables: Australian supply chain handbook and website
Passionfruit postharvest best practice review
Pests and diseases
Internal rot in capsicums
Managing powdery mildew in cucurbits to prevent crop losses
Fruit fly research — Gap analysis
Controlling insect contaminants in processed leafy vegetables
New in-field treatment solutions to control fruit fly
Managing anthracnose in lettuce
Consumer videos on beneficial insects
Integrated Crop Protection - Helping vegetable growers protect crops
Soil diseases in vegetables under attack in new project
New pasture dieback project aims to find ways to improve productivity
Pasture dieback in Queensland – a review of relevant literature
Producing fish feed from vegetable waste
Managing the impacts of climate on the Australian vegetable industry
On-farm power generation - options for vegetable growers
How to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from processing tomatoes Environmental
How to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from processing tomatoes
Mulching and compost in apple and cherry orchards
Compost made from recycled organics is a winner for NSW vegetable growers
International projects
Supplying quality vegetables from the Nghe An province of Vietnam
Low cost protected cropping in the Central Philippines
High quality, safe vegetables in northwest Vietnam
How growing high-quality vegetables increased Vietnam vegetable farmers’ income by 150%
Improving Income and Nutrition in Eastern and Southern Africa
Integrated Crop Management in the Southern Philippines
Improving livelihoods in Myanmar and Vietnam through vegetable value chains